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CODESYS Cloud Adapter

Obtain the AnyViz Cloud Adapter Package from the CODESYS Store and download the libraries as follows:

Then open the Library Manager. If the library was downloaded via the download link, click Library Repository to install the library. Now click Add Library to add the AnyViz Cloud Adapter library to the project.

Prepare project

The AnyViz Cloud Adapter automatically makes the variables of the PLC program available in the cloud. For this, a symbol configuration is required in the CODESYS project. It can be used to specify which variables are to be provided and whether they may be written.

Execute function block

A free-running task with low priority is recommended for invoking the AnyViz function block. This ensures that the core program is not affected and communication with AnyViz is not delayed.

Now instantiate the AnyVizClient FB. The following parameters are mandatory:

ProjectId The project number, which can be seen in the portal.
Password Enter a secure password, which must be confirmed later in the portal.
Example in FBD (Function block diagram)
Example of integration of the AnyViz Cloud Adapter function block in the FBD programming language
Example in ST (Structured text)
Example of integration of the AnyViz Cloud Adapter function module in structured text

Optional parameters

Mode Operation mode Online (default) to connect to the cloud, Operation mode Offline to record data locally or Operation mode Disabled to disable the function block.
UserHandle When using symbol sets, access to the symbols can be restricted. Symbol rights can be used to specify which symbols are provided and which access rights are allowed. The input parameter expects a RTS_IEC_HANDLE which is returned by the UserMgrLogin() function.
StorageDirectory Specification of a relative or absolute path to define the storage location of the persistent data (configuration and offline recording). If not specified, the default directory is used.
LiveValueInterval Deviating sampling interval for the transmission of the live values to reduce the data volume. If not specified, transmission is at 1 second intervals.
LocalVisuUrl Specify one or more URLs separated by semicolons (;) to be provided in AnyViz (e.g. local WebVisu).
BrowsePath By specifying a relative or absolute path, file access via AnyViz can be enabled. AnyViz users with the required privileges can then access the file system and upload, download, or delete files.
CustomerPortalId Specifying the different portal ID to connect to an OEM instance.
DisplayName Display name in the portal.


Status Description of the current status or error in plain text.
Error TRUE on connection error or configuration error.
Connected TRUE if the connection to AnyViz could be established successfully.