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Duplicate projects

Power users often work with similar objects and need fast and efficient design. AnyViz offers several possibilities to quickly duplicate parts of a project or entire projects according to the template concept. Depending on the requirements and the existing structure, different tools are suitable.

Adopt cloud adapter configuration

The configuration of a Universal Cloud Adapter can be quite extensive. If the data connectivity is similar, the fastest way is to restore the configuration of another cloud adapter. All connection settings will be adopted.

Restore Cloud Adapter Backup

Import views, tags etc.

Next, the tags, views, alerts, and other elements follow once the cloud adapters are connected to the new project. The easiest way to import them is to import views. Not only the views, but also all referenced elements are transferred or reassigned.

Import views

Tip: Importing views also works within projects. Thus, the import can also be used to speed up the projecting of similar objects within the same project.

Copy & Paste

The copy & paste of selected elements, known from many applications, also works in AnyViz. It is useful when changes or additions are duplicated afterwards or when similar objects are structured within a cloud adapter.

Cross-project copy & paste

After pasting, the tags used by the pasted elements can be exchanged in an easy way.
