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Vizuals can be created by dragging and dropping tags or alerts into the view. Usually there are several vizuals to choose from for one tag type (see picture). On some vizuals multiple tags can be droped.

Vizual selection after dragging a numeric tag into a view

After adding vizuals to the view, they can be arranged and configured using the view editor.

Vizuals cannot be operated when editing mode is active. Also, configured dynamizations are only active after leaving the editing mode. Some functions of Vizuals, such as writing tag values, depend on the user role or whether the tag is writable or readonly.

Supported tag types
VizualNumBoolStringBrief description
Tag display Display of a tag value incl. input option
Chart Line or bar chart of the recorded time-value pairs
Pivot Visualization of aggregated data in a table
Progress Progress display as bar graph with specification of min and max
Pie chart Plot of multiple tag values as a pie
Gauge Tacho display of a tag value
Wheel Circle shape for value input
Slider Tag value input via slider
Heatmap Visualizes recorded data with color gradation
Button / Dropdown Tag value input as button group or dropdown list
Test list Text display depending on numeric tag value
Sankey For the hierarchical visualization of volume flows
Toggle Tag value input for logical values
LED Shortcut for an icon vizual with color switching (green when true).
Map *Display of recorded position data on the map
Manual inputFor entering values that are not automatically captured (only for global tags).

Vizuals for remote access

If tags for remote access have been configured in the Cloud Adapter, additional vizuals are available that are automatically created as soon as the remote access tags are dragged into the view.

VizualBrief description
Visu / HTTP AccessAccess to a local webvisu or any web application
VNC displayVNC Client to control remote PCs or panels
Camera accessDisplay and control of a camera


Besides the vizuals that can be created by dropping tags into views, there are also vizuals with a more static control character. These can be found in the tree.

VizualBrief description
TextStatic text for labels
ButtonButton for click functions
Info fieldDisplay of different object properties (e.g. name of a tag)
Web contentDisplay of a URL or custom implement widget with data interface
Alert LogTabular listing of current and historical alerts
Task listTabular listing of due and upcoming tasks
Only with Task management Add-On enabled
MapMap to display devices with position information
Notification groupsFor scheduled notification of user groups
ShapesDraw shapes: Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle, Circle and Line
LogbookFor protocolling of important events
IconLibrary with several thousands of icons in different styles
ImageUse of any images
DocumentDisplay PDF files
Charging managementFor e-car charging stations (OCPP) with tag management and charging protocol
Only with Charging Management Add-On enabled
Operations diaryAutomatic and manual collection of data for wastewater treatment plants and RÜB
Only with Operations Diary Add-On enabled.


The vizuals offer many configuration options and can be dynamized or have a click function. More complex vizuals are described in a separate article.